Unraveling the Mystery of Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving Course Schedule II LeetCode
Image by Ramana - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving Course Schedule II LeetCode

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Are you ready to tackle one of the most intriguing challenges in graph theory? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of topological sorting, specifically exploring the concept of topological sort as reverse post-DFS and its application to solving Course Schedule II on LeetCode. Buckle up, folks, as we embark on a journey to unravel the mystery of this fundamental graph algorithm!

What is Topological Sorting?

Topological sorting is a linear ordering of vertices in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) such that for every directed edge u -> v, vertex u comes before v in the ordering. In other words, it’s a way to arrange the nodes of a graph in a sequence that respects the edge directions. This concept is crucial in many applications, such as scheduling tasks, ordering dependencies, and even DNA sequencing!

Why Do We Need Topological Sorting?

Topological sorting is essential in scenarios where we need to perform tasks in a specific order, taking into account their dependencies. For instance, in a course schedule, we want to ensure that students take prerequisite courses before enrolling in advanced classes. Topological sorting helps us find a valid sequence of courses that satisfies these dependencies.

What is Reverse Post-DFS?

Reverse post-DFS (Depth-First Search) is a technique used to perform topological sorting on a DAG. The “reverse” part refers to the fact that we explore the graph in reverse order, starting from the nodes with no incoming edges (sources) and moving backwards to nodes with incoming edges (sinks). This approach allows us to build a valid topological ordering by iterating over the nodes in the reverse order of their finishing times during the DFS traversal.

How Does Reverse Post-DFS Work?

The process can be broken down into two stages:

  1. DFS Traversal**: Perform a regular DFS traversal on the graph, but this time, keep track of the finishing times of each node. The finishing time is the order in which we finish exploring a node and all its neighbors.
  2. Build the Topological Ordering**: Create a list and insert each node in the reverse order of its finishing time. This will give us a valid topological sorting of the graph.
// Pseudocode for Reverse Post-DFS
function reversePostDFS(graph) {
  const finishingTimes = {}; // store finishing times for each node
  const visited = {}; // keep track of visited nodes

  // perform DFS traversal
  function dfs(node) {
    visited[node] = true;
    for (const neighbor of graph[node]) {
      if (!visited[neighbor]) {
    finishingTimes[node] = Object.keys(finishingTimes).length; // update finishing time

  // iterate over all nodes and perform DFS
  for (const node of Object.keys(graph)) {
    if (!visited[node]) {

  // build the topological ordering
  const topologicalOrdering = [];
  for (const node of Object.keys(finishingTimes)) {
    topologicalOrdering[finishingTimes[node]] = node;

  return topologicalOrdering;

Applying Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS to Course Schedule II LeetCode

Now that we’ve mastered the concept of topological sort as reverse post-DFS, let’s apply it to solve the Course Schedule II problem on LeetCode.

Problem Statement

Given an array of prerequisites prerequisites where prerequisites[i] = [ai, bi] represents that you must take course bi first if you want to take course ai, return the order of courses you should take to finish all courses.

If there are many valid answers, return one of them. If it is impossible to finish all courses, return an empty array.


We can model this problem as a DAG, where each course is a node, and an edge exists from course A to course B if course A has course B as a prerequisite. Our goal is to find a topological ordering of this graph, which will give us a valid sequence of courses to take.

// LeetCode Solution in JavaScript
function findOrder(numCourses, prerequisites) {
  const graph = Array.from({ length: numCourses }, () => []);
  const finishingTimes = {};
  const visited = {};

  // build the graph
  for (const [course, prereq] of prerequisites) {

  // perform DFS and get finishing times
  function dfs(course) {
    visited[course] = true;
    for (const prereq of graph[course]) {
      if (!visited[prereq]) {
    finishingTimes[course] = Object.keys(finishingTimes).length;

  // iterate over all courses and perform DFS
  for (let i = 0; i < numCourses; i++) {
    if (!visited[i]) {

  // build the topological ordering
  const topologicalOrdering = [];
  for (const course of Object.keys(finishingTimes)) {
    topologicalOrdering[finishingTimes[course]] = course;

  // return the topological ordering or an empty array if impossible
  return topologicalOrdering.length === numCourses ? topologicalOrdering : [];


And there you have it, folks! By mastering the concept of topological sort as reverse post-DFS, we've successfully solved the Course Schedule II problem on LeetCode. This fundamental graph algorithm has far-reaching applications in various domains, and now you're equipped with the knowledge to tackle similar challenges.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Try applying topological sort as reverse post-DFS to other graph-related problems and see how it can help you unravel the complexity of graph theory. Happy coding!

Topic Description
Topological Sorting A linear ordering of vertices in a DAG such that for every directed edge u -> v, vertex u comes before v in the ordering.
Reverse Post-DFS A technique used to perform topological sorting on a DAG by exploring the graph in reverse order, starting from nodes with no incoming edges (sources) and moving backwards to nodes with incoming edges (sinks).
Course Schedule II LeetCode A problem that involves finding a valid sequence of courses to take, given an array of prerequisites, using topological sorting as reverse post-DFS.

Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts on this topic in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mysteries of Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS and Course Schedule II LeetCode!

What is Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS, and how does it relate to Course Schedule II LeetCode?

Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS is a graph traversal algorithm that sorts vertices in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in a topological order. This means arranging the vertices in a linear order such that for every edge (u, v), vertex u comes before v in the ordering. The Course Schedule II LeetCode problem involves finding a valid course schedule given a set of courses and their prerequisites, which can be solved using Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS.

How does the Reverse Post-DFS algorithm work in the context of Topological Sort?

The Reverse Post-DFS algorithm works by performing a depth-first search (DFS) on the graph and recording the vertices in the order they finish. This order is the reverse of the topological order, so by reversing the list, we get the desired topological sort. This approach is particularly useful in the Course Schedule II LeetCode problem, as it allows us to identify the next available course to take.

What is the time complexity of the Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS algorithm?

The time complexity of the Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS algorithm is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices (courses) and E is the number of edges (prerequisites). This is because we need to visit each vertex and edge once during the DFS traversal.

How do I handle cycles in the graph when using Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS?

Cycles in the graph indicate that a valid course schedule is not possible, as there are circular dependencies between courses. To handle this, we can keep track of visited vertices and detect cycles by checking if a vertex is revisited during the DFS traversal. If a cycle is detected, we can return an error or an empty schedule.

Can I use Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS for other graph-based problems beyond Course Schedule II LeetCode?

Absolutely! Topological Sort as Reverse Post-DFS is a versatile algorithm that can be applied to various graph-based problems, such as finding a valid order for tasks with dependencies, resolving dependencies in package managers, or even scheduling tasks in a pipeline. Its applications are vast, so get creative and explore!

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